“Never work with kids and dogs.”–W.C. Fields
I think he said this because they are really cute and they tend to upstage you. I don’t mind photographing kids at weddings because they are usually very funny and sweet. They know it is a big deal to be in a wedding and most times they can rise to the occasion (to the best of their ability at any rate). I know of several instances where the kids behaved way better than the adults, but that is better left for another time. The only time it is not fun is when they need a nap. Or if they are hungry. Of course I feel that way as well at times. Especially when hungry.
So without any further ado, here are some of my favorite photographs of kids in weddings.

I don’t know, I guess I just feel like kids bring a little excitement to a wedding–they have usually not been to many, so it is all new and different for them. I like their energy and enthusiasm. We should Always Work With Kids and Dogs.
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Susan Blackburn is a Photographer located in Saratoga Springs NY specializing in Wedding Photography and Portrait Photography.