Believe it or not, it is almost time to order Graduation Announcements from your High School Senior Portrait Session! Yikes! It can be overwhelming with so many choices!
Below are some tips for you when thinking about what to include in your announcements:
1. Friends and family often hang onto these announcements for a really long time, so choose photographs you really love and that you think express who you really are. Even if you are choosing a more traditional pose/photograph, make sure you really love it. Because when you go to their house to visit, it might be staring back at you from the refrigerator door:)
2. We can include quotes, text, etc. so why not include a quote from your favorite author?
3. We will help you design a card that is individual to you and still looks professional and beautiful. We always recommend that you choose portraits that have similar tones to ensure that when printed everything coordinates well together. This also goes for any background colors, text colors, etc.
4. We can include several images in an announcement, but try to narrow it down to just a few favorites. You want variety, but not an overly cluttered look. Three to four well chosen images will say more in the amount of space you have to work with than ten images crammed onto a page. When you put too many images in a small space, the viewers eye will not know where to land first.
5. Don’t forget the details–make sure you have the correct date, time, address and other details for your ceremony, party, etc. This is sometimes overlooked, resulting in extra costs for reprinting.
6. A general rule of thumb is that you can include two or three typefaces/fonts in a piece. Any more than that is way too busy and can look amatuerish. Choose fonts that reflect the feeling of the overall piece. If you are going for an elegant look, a childish font will ruin the effect.
7. Remember to relax and enjoy this time! Senior year is almost done!