Location Senior Portrait Planning
We are gearing up for Senior Portraits at the Photo Studio! There is a saying that location is everything, and I could not agree more. This is especially true with Senior Portrait Photography. I also always say that it is never about the best background–it is always about the best light. Matching the best light with the best location is a winning combination for location Senior Portraits. Along with a great location and lighting, a few more elements are important as well. Here are some things to consider when planning your location Senior Portrait:
Get the Best Results With Careful Prior Location Senior Portrait Planning

- Color Harmony: Color Harmony has always been important to me when planning any location Senior Portrait Session. Color has an impact on how we feel and where our eyes are drawn. In the below photo, we were walking around in a downtown area and I saw that this particular storefront would look great with what Katherine was wearing. It is so complimentary and while there might be a lot going on, nothing detracts from her face. I particularly liked all the vertical lines.

2. Time of Day: I personally prefer to photograph later in the day because the light is much softer and more flattering in general. That being said, it is sometimes not always possible to go out in the early evening. In those cases, we use either strobe or find open shade. I strongly feel that when you are a professional photographer that you should be able to produce consistent work in any situation.

3. Clothing Choices: Your clothing choices make a really huge impact on the final result in your portraits. I cannot stress that enough. I love fashion, I love color and pattern–but I tend to lean more toward classic choices when creating something like a Senior Portrait. Mainly I feel this way because a Senior Portrait is often displayed in a home for many years. You don’t want it to look too dated. I don’t mind doing some funky clothing options, but I always request that High School Senior bring at least one clean, classic look to photograph.

4. Good Grooming: This may seem obvious, but I will say it anyway. Making sure your hair looks great, your hands and nails are neat and clean, that your clothing is clean and pressed make a really huge difference in your Senior Portraits. When you look good, you feel good. That always translates to being more comfortable in front of the camera during a portrait session.

These are my top tips for Location Senior Portrait Session Planning. If you implement them, you will be well on your way to a successful session.
Be sure to visit our Senior Portrait Portfolio.
Are your ready to schedule a Senior Portrait Session? Please call (518) 584-4237 today. We would love to photograph you.