So recently I had the pleasure of reconnecting with one of my wedding photography clients. They have the most beautiful little boy named James, and I got to photograph him for his One Year Baby Photo Session. I loved his personality–he was happy, engaging, funny and smiled almost the entire time. Of course, I had to have his mom Kim write something for the Blog. So here it is:
“John and I were in many ways devoted to our jobs. As long as I’ve known him, he’s worked 3 different jobs, and he used to work almost every day. Being a Funeral Director, I worked long days and weird hours. Honestly, I think the on call really helped me get through most of the feedings!
“I gave up something that I truly love doing because I needed to experience LIFE. I wanted to dedicate myself to my own family, instead of someone else’s (finally).
“The transition for me was at first almost relieving. I was happy to be responsible for this little human. In many ways, I find this role less demanding and stressful than what I used to deal with. These days I struggle with the idea that I’m not doing “something” even if I am.
“For John, it’s been a different journey. Although he rearranged his schedule to be home more evenings, the days he does work are very long and tiring. Sometimes he only sees James for an hour. Jame is very attached to John, and the only separation anxiety he has is with him. John is a great father, and he makes the most of every moment he gets with James.

“Having a child changes your life and the perspective on the the world you live in. You find yourself missing the most bizarre things you took for granted when childless: eating a warm meal–seated–and without little hands attacking your plate, taking a nap, being able to take care of yourself when sick, running errands in a timely fashion, the list goes on.
“However, I would never wish for anything else. Even after a long, difficult day, I still find myself missing this little person while he sleeps. Every day I wake up feels like when you unwrap a gift you really wanted on Christmas morning.
“Gardeners say that the food they’ve grown tastes better than anything else…perhaps that is why no one truly loves a child the way their parents do. All I know is that life became more meaningful. John and I were lucky we found each other, but it gave us something we needed more than anything else.”
What can I say? This brought a tear to my eyes. I love watching my wedding clients become parents–it is so rewarding to me to be able to watch their families grown. Enjoy your babies because they grow up way too fast!

Did you enjoy this One Year Blog Post? You might also enjoy this One Year Old Cake Smash Post. Are you interested in a One Year Baby Photo Session or a Family Portrait Session? Use the Contact Page or call 518.584.4237 to schedule an appointment today. I would love to photograph your family.