Saratoga Wedding Photography | Why Have A Wedding Album Made?
Last week, I posted about why I believe it is so important to print out your wedding photos or your portraits. I wanted to follow up with why wedding albums are important. First, let me be clear–I know that albums are expensive. They are expensive because they are a custom product. They are art books that are printed for you by a custom lab, and in many cases are hand stitched and bound with really beautiful materials. Really beautiful albums are meant to hold up over a long period of time. If you have cared enough to spend money on hiring a professional photographer to capture your wedding images in the first place, why not take the extra small step and have an album created?

Most, if not all, of my clients want their wedding photos digitally on either a disk or a flash drive. I think this is great–for archival purposes, certainly. But if all you are receiving from your photographer is a bunch of digital files–what are you going to do with them? Just download them on your computer, maybe post a few to Facebook or other social media sites? After the first few weeks will you even look at them if you need go through the hassle of logging onto your computer and searching through the folders? Are you really going to look through close to 1,000 pictures more than a few times? My bet is that you would probably decide it was just too much trouble to do that and never look at them. What happens when the technology of today becomes obsolete? Would it not be a better option to pick out your favorites and have them laid out in a book that would be close at hand to enjoy when the mood strikes? And really, why hire a photographer if you don’t plan on actually looking at the photos over the years?

In the past, many wedding albums were all the same. Today, however, we have so many choices in books, covers, bindings and pages. The design options are also really nice. Instead of the generic albums of the past, which were dominated by very posed formal pictures, couples today can design an album that truly reflects their personal
So take the extra step and create an album with your photographs–one that tells a complete story of your wedding day. Find a way to be able to afford an album. Maybe you can do without the extra flowers at the church or reception. Perhaps you could choose to not use a limo that you would only sit in for 20 minutes anyway. It is not just for you–it is for your children and your grandchildren.
Are you ready to look at some wedding albums and other photography products? You might like to see some of our wedding albums.
Are you ready to hire a Wedding Photographer? We would love the opportunity to sit down with you and discuss how we can photograph your event. Please call (518) 584-4237 or use our contact for to schedule a wedding photography consultation.