True Confessions Time–Christmas is not really my most favorite holiday.
For one, I am not really a fan of Winter, even though I live in the Northeast. People are getting all excited about snow and I think it is pretty for like 5 seconds, then I am over it. I detest being cold. And I really don’t like the materialistic aspect of this holiday. I don’t like how everyone gets all caught up with the gift thing but forgets to be nice to everyone. Like, try not to run me down in the Target parking lot in your frantic rush to secure “your” parking spot, please. So between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I try to take time most days to think about things I am grateful for.
Best part of the holidays–being with my family. They are the best people in the world, bar none. Love sitting around laughing with them.
Christmas signals a slowing down for me at work–so I get time to work on personal projects. And I have quite a few this year:)
With work slowing down, I will have more time to get to the yoga studio. I practice here at home when I am busy, but I really like practicing with my yoga peeps.
Cooking for a crowd–when everyone is here, I get to cook and bake. That is a fun creative outlet for me.
My teapot gets used a bunch because I make Hot Cinnamon Sunset Tea. Love the way it smells. Joy.
Getting together with friends–most of the year we are in all different directions, and the holidays are when I get to connect with people I don’t see much at other times. Especially love seeing my friends’ kids, who are getting to be adults and are really fun to hang out with.
Knowing that after Christmas, the days start getting longer again. Huge for me. You have no idea.
I hope all of you are having a wonderful holiday. Take time with your peeps and slow down some. Hibernate a little. With a good book. And preferably some Hot Cinnamon Sunset Tea.