The High School Senior Portrait Season is upon us–my favorite time of year. Every year I get to photograph lots of great high school kids. Guys Senior Portraits are fun. One of the first questions I get asked is “What should I wear?” The guys are especially anxious about this topic. Don’t worry–we have you covered. Yves Saint Laurent said, “Fashions change, style is eternal.” My major goal in creating Senior Portraits is for you to look back on them in 20 years and think you look really great. What I don’t want you to think is “What the heck was I thinking when I chose that outfit?” Read on for a few tips on wardrobe selection for your high school senior portraits.
- I advise all my Senior Portrait clients to bring at least one slightly formal look that is clean, classic and will stand the test of time. This will not only give you a great option for the yearbook, but can also set you apart from other applicants if you need to send in a photo with your college application. In most cases, just bringing a sport coat to wear with a button down shirt and a pair of pants will give you two completely different looks.

And voila–taking away the jacket and tie gives us an entirely different look:

2. Make sure your clothing is clean and ironed. Nothing is worse to photograph than dirty, stained wrinkled clothes. It is a pain to Photoshop to perfection–and you will be charged accordingly. LOL.
3. Bring all the appropriate accessories. We try to include at least a couple full length portraits, so shoes should match the outfit. Bring a belt that matches your outfit. These little details complete the overall look.

4. Bring clothing that expresses your personality, but does not detract from you. I don’t mind some outrageous items, but they can detract from your face, which is the entire point of a portrait.

Again, we took away the jacket, changed location and we got an entirely different look.

5. Bring a variety of items so we can give you a wide selection of images to choose from.

6. Grooming–if you are getting a haircut for your portrait session, do so a week prior to give it a chance to “grow in” a little bit. You will look more like yourself. Nails should be clean and neat because we sometimes show hands.

Finally, relax and have fun. We have been photographing high school senior for a while. If you are still not sure what to bring for your senior portraits, you can bring lots of stuff. We will help you choose a few outfits when you get here.
Did you enjoy reading this post about what to wear for your Senior Portraits? You might also enjoy this post about Planning for your High School Senior Photos.
Be sure to check out our High School Senior Portrait Gallery. Ready to book your Portrait Appointment? Call 518.584.4237 or fill in our Contact Form. We would love to photograph your Senior Portraits!