Vintage Cars As Props For Wedding Photos
OK, a little confession here. I really like vintage cars–always have. At one time, my husband and I owned a red 1962 Mustang. It was a very cool car and just a lot of fun to ride around in. Of course with children, it was really not very practical–but I digress. I just find vintage cars to be romantic and a little bit quaint. Maybe they just evoke a simpler time in my head. And let’s not forget that they are really great props in photographs. The good thing about this is that there has been a wedding trend over the last several years in Saratoga and the Adirondack area in general of incorporating vintage/antique cars into the wedding. And I really, really love that.

The car featured above is a vintage Buick that was provided by The State Room in Albany. I toned the image as sepia because I felt it enhanced the vintage feeling–it looks very 1930s to me.

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