Wedding Photography is super fun and I really, really love my job. But there are some things that make my job, well, not so fun. I thought that in the interest of helping all of you get the best photos you can on your wedding day, I would be a candid and tell you what can make my job a little difficult. Here are five things I absolutely HATE:

1. IPads. I am not a fan of iPads at events. The bride and groom are walking down the aisle and are getting ready to kiss. Great shot! If someone jumps in front of your photographer with their iPad lifted, the shot is missed. I am so glad that did not happen at Leah and Lee’s wedding on Lake George! This is one of my favorite shots from that wedding. Imagine if we did not get it! Consider telling your guests that you will be having an “unplugged” wedding.

2. A Time Crunch due to improper planning = total stress for the photographer as well as the Bride and Groom. I work with all my couples so we don’t need to deal with this issue. Plan your Wedding Day Timeline carefully. Make sure you “pad” your timeline a bit in the beginning so if you start running behind it is not a big deal. And especially make sure your hair and makeup stylist(s) know how many people are being “done” so they plan enough time and bring enough stylists.

3. Disorganized Family Formals. I actually like doing Family Formals. What I do not like is when it becomes a disorganized chaotic event. What could be accomplished in under 20 minutes can become a trip to the Fiery Inferno if there is no organization. Make a list of the Family Groups you want. Give the list to one person on each side of the Family. Make sure all people
on the list know ahead of time where to be and when to be there. That makes me super happy.

4. Wardrobe issues can suck the fun out of even the best days. Make sure you are comfortable in whatever you choose to wear. If things are tight, or you feel like you are going to burst out of your dress, or you can’t sit down, you will not enjoy your day. And it will show in your photographs. When you are choosing your attire keep this in mind. Sometimes my brides change into a cocktail dress for their reception because they know they will be uncomfortable in a formal gown.

5. Pinterest. Don’t get me wrong–I do love Pinterest. I go on it almost every day. It can be great for inspiration. But as a photographer, I want to create unique images of YOUR wedding day. I don’t want to spend all day worrying about recreating someone else’s day on YOUR day. It kind of inhibits creativity if your photographer has ten pages of Pinterest photos they are required to execute and deliver. I would rather make photos that will end up inspiring Pinterest users instead of copying someone else’s photos. Hopefully, this has been helpful. My weddings are usually delightful because we spend time planning ahead to avoid the above mentioned items. A little planning makes the wedding couple and the photographer happy and stress free. Did you enjoy this article on Wedding Planning? You might also enjoy this post on Planning a Wedding Day Timeline. Are you looking for a Saratoga Wedding Photographer? Please call 518.584.4237 to schedule a consultation or fill in our Contact Form. Saratoga Wedding Photographer Susan Blackburn photographs weddings and events in Saratoga, Lake George, the Adirondacks and beyond.