Saratoga Baby Photos–Good Things Come In Small Packages

My friend Veronica recently gave birth to her beautiful baby boy, Caden. You may remember her Maternity Photos–she was a stunning pregnant mama. I recently asked her to share her labor and delivery story, so here it is:
“When I first got pregnant, my original due date was May 12th. After my first ultrasound, they pushed it back to May 19th, but I still always felt the 12th was the right date. Luckily my pregnancy was a breeze, and I worked right up until the end.
“I work overnights, and I started going into early labor at 2 am on the 12th. It was tolerable, so I finished my shift and went home at 7:30 am. My twin sister is a labor and delivery nurse, so I called her on my way home to let her know what was going on. She advised I go home, take a little Tylenol and rest. I tried resting on the couch for a few hours but only got short naps here and there as the contractions were getting stronger and more uncomfortable. I made it through the afternoon and called my sister around 5:30 to come over and check my progress. She stayed at the house with me while I labored for the next few hours.

“My water broke around 7:30 and a little after 8 pm we went to the hospital. I was very uncomfortable at that point, much more so than I had been expecting early on, so about an hour after we got to the hospital, I requested an epidural. After that, I was very luck to have complete pain relief, and I continued to progress very quickly after that.

“Less than two hours later, the doctor was called in so I could start pushing. Caden was born just after midnight on the 13th at 12:07 am. “He was absolutely perfect and doing well, so John got to cut the cord and he was placed on my chest immediately after. I was so overjoyed to finally have him in my arms. I had never seen anyone more perfect in my life. Immediately my heart felt complete. “He was wide eyed and very alert and stared right at me. I was so in love. Having John and my sister there for the whole process was such a blessing, and I definitely couldn’t have done it without them.

“Caden has been a great baby, and every day he steals more of my heart. 3 am has never looked so beautiful each morning, and he is the only reason I would ever wake up at that time with a smile on my face. Becoming a mother has been such an incredible blessing, and I consider myself so lucky to have such a wonderful, healthy, perfect son. I have loved many people in my life, but no one as completely as Caden. He is my light, my happiness, the reason for my smile being just a little bit bigger, and the accomplishment I am most proud of. I will never do anything that is more fulfilling, more important or more wonderful than I did when I brought him into the world.”

Congratulations to Veronica and John (and Gwen–haha). Enjoy that baby!
Are you planning on documenting this milestone in your life with Saratoga Newborn Photographer Susan Blackburn? Visit our Newborn and Family Gallery to view more work.
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Susan Blackburn photographs newborn babies in the Saratoga and Adirondack areas of Upstate NY. She is also available for travel assignments.