Saratoga Springs Baby Photographer | Hello, Alexandria Jan!
I had the pleasure a few years ago of meeting Kyle and Amanda and photographing their engagement and wedding photos. They are lovely people and it is a joy to spend time with them. Recently, they added a new member to their family–Alexandria Jan. Or AJ. Or as Kyle’s brother was referring to her in utero Ajax. (By the way, Ajax was a Greek mythological character–the mightiest of the Greek warriors in The Iliad by Homer.) I was so excited to provide both maternity images and baby portraits for them. Here is their story:

How did you find out you were pregnant?
Kyle and I have always wanted kids but were never too quick to start a family. Last October during one of our random chats we shared with each other that we wanted to start a family. We both agreed that “the right time” was not at any specific time because life and its hurtles never stop. That was the moment when we both agreed we wanted to start trying for a baby.

A few weeks later I knew something was different about my body. Kyle, his sister Kayla, and I were relaxing at our house when a chocolate chip cookie commercial came on. We all said at the same time mmm those look good. That was the moment when I said, “Hey Babe, how bout you run to the store and get some cookies I can bake and oh yea, will you pick up a pregnancy test while you’re at the store.” Ky instantly had a smile one his face and I believe that was the fastest trip to Walmart he has ever made. That was a great night because of course the test came back positive and there was a lot of celebrating, crying of happy tears, and eating delicious chocolate chip cookies.

How did you decide on a baby name?

Kyle and I have been together for 10 years so we already had ideas of baby names that we loved. We knew what this baby was going to be named whether he/she was a boy or a girl. I suggested to Kyle to incorporate his mothers name Jan, who had recently passed, into our child’s name if she was actually a she. Once we found out our baby was a girl we knew her name was to be Alexandria Jan. now we have a gorgeous healthy daughter and can’t remember our lives before we had her!

Part of the reason I love my job as a photographer so much is that I get to meet really cool people and tell their stories. If you liked this, you might want to check out our Baby Photography Gallery.
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