I like to think of Senior Portraits as Image Insurance.
So you have been checking out Senior Portrait Photographers all over Social Media and you think you might have found “The ONE.” Whoa, Nellie. You want to make sure you choose the best Senior Portrait Photographer for YOU.
Before you make that commitment to a particular Senior Portrait Photographer, ask to see a complete session from them. Why, you ask? Here’s why:
Anyone can post a few of their Greatest Hits to a Social Media account. But what if the image they are posting is the one image that came out great and the remainder are just–meh? Most of our Senior Portrait Clients have many uses for their photos beyond just a Yearbook photo. Often they are using them for Grad Announcements, Applications, Albums, etc. So you need a variety of amazing images to choose from.
So How To Choose The Best Senior Portrait Photographer?
What should you be looking for exactly?
Does the Senior Portrait Session Feature Variety:

Several things make up variety in any Senior Portrait Session. They include clothing, location, expression, posing, and lighting. There should also be variety in the compositions–full length, three quarters, close ups, verticals and horizontals. Here at the Studio, we plan ahead for variety by having a Consultation where we discuss clothing and location options.

Is the Photographer Consistent?
What do I mean about Consistency? Consistency is easier to spot when you look at an entire session as opposed to the best images from every session. The images in a session should all be consistently well posed, well lit, and flattering to the subject. The images should all be in FOCUS–believe it or not, I have seen some pretty “interesting” things in my day.
Below is a very typical Senior Portrait Session for us. Lucy started with a super formal Yearbook image in our Studio. We then went to the park and her school. Please note–these images are Proofs and as such are not fully retouched. I will include a final image to show what a fully retouched image looks like.

As you can see, there is more to Senior Portrait Photography than just posting a couple of cool images on Instagram. Think carefully about who you are hiring because your Senior Portraits are your Image Insurance.
If you are ready to book your Senior Session, please call us at (518) 584-4237 today or use our Contact Form.
You might also want to check out our FAQs for Senior Portraits.