Best of Wedding Ceremonies | Saratoga Springs Wedding Photographer

As a Wedding Photographer, I strongly believe that the most important part of the wedding day is the ceremony. After all, that is the entire reason for the day! It is a ceremony that celebrates the commitment two people make in joining their lives together. And as a Wedding Photographer, I approach this portion of the day in a somewhat serious frame of mind. I know that it is the one part of the day that cannot really be re-created, so it needs to be right the first time. Many times some of my favorite wedding photographs are of the ceremony. So below are some of my favorite Wedding Ceremony photographs.

We hope you have enjoyed these ceremony images by Saratoga Springs Wedding Photographer Susan Blackburn. If you would like to read more posts on being a Wedding Photographer in Saratoga, you might like to read this Wedding Photography Blog Post. If you are interested in hiring a Saratoga Wedding Photographer, please call 518.584.4237 to schedule a consultation.