So I am super excited to be back from a trip I made out to Wausau, Wisconsin last week. I attended AfterDark, a photography seminar. Sometimes as a self employed photographer, you can get a little stale and feel kind of isolated. That is why I love going to AfterDark and other seminars. It is really great to be with other like minded people and learn new photography related things. This week certainly did not disappoint! I did all kinds of things I would never in a million years attempt on my own.

The first day, Dave Junion had all the kids from the local high school stop by the hotel on their way to the Prom. There were like eight different backdrops in shooting bays, plus there were some awesome locations around the hotel. It was basically pandemonium. Or should we say–Promdemonium. Anyway, it was fun and lots of Prom photos were created by everyone.

Day 2 I did a fashion shoot with the incredibly talent Brian DeMint–he actually made the model’s gown out of trash bags. LOL.

That afternoon I got to try underwater photography with Pierre Stephenson in the high school pool. I had always wanted to do this, but had no idea how to go about it. And let me tell you, it is harder than you would think! I kept floating up to the surface and had a hard time staying submerged. But it was so cool because the models were dressed as mermaids! I will definitely be doing this again!

Part of the seminar was to raise money for a charity in Wausau for First Responders. We were basically turned loose with the Bomb Squad, Fire Department, K-9 Unit, and SWAT teams to have fun. The charity is going to make and sell a calendar to raise money.

The last day, I did a circus themed shoot with Marci and Christy of Marci and Christi Photography in Indianapolis–so cool! It got me thinking of all the new things I can do with my clients and I can’t wait!
That night I just kind of hopped around a little and took some random photos.

The last night–I got to play with fire. Literally. This was actually a really good exercise because I could never quite figure out what I was supposed to do to get this kind of thing to look right. Dave Doeppel explained it and now I get it!
So that is what I did last week! I came back all inspired and cannot wait to do some new fun things!
Want to play? Use the Contact Form or call (518) 584.4237. Want to see other work from seminars? Check out this photography post.
Be sure to check out some High School Senior Photography or Wedding Photography.
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