When Do We Plan a Newborn Photography Session?
One of the questions I get asked very often is “When should we plan our newborn photography session?”
Well, the answer is different for everyone. So many factors come into play during the first days after a family welcomes a new baby!
I know that it is popular now to have newborn photos taken immediately, but sometimes this is just not feasible and that is ok! What I want to know is when did it become mandatory to drag yourself and your baby about the first week out of the hospital for a photo session? It is not like this is something you should be super stressed about–there are way more important things you need to concentrate on! If you just cannot get in for professional newborn photos right away, I encourage you to take lots of photos yourself until you can.

The Timing for a Newborn Photography Session Is Highly Personal.
The first few days after the baby is born is a popular time for newborn photos. This is because newborns are still super sleepy at this age. They are also very pliable and easy to pose. Most of them have not yet developed colic. If you want to be sure to get sleepy newborn portraits, the first days up to Day 10 are optimal for this. After that, they tend to be much more alert and resist sleeping because they want to see what is going on. I personally remember being sleep deprived and in a fog, and much of the first few days with my kids are kind of a blur, so a newborn session at that time can be a wonderful reminder of how tiny and sweet they were at that age. However…

Having a Newborn Can Be Overwhelming!
Some people are super overwhelmed in the first few weeks–that is perfectly normal and ok! Before they know it, time is flying by fast. Not to worry, babies are still adorable at one month! At one month, most babies are a bit better at focusing their eyes, so they do not look cross eyed. It is also a much calmer time if there are older siblings involved because (hopefully) they are a little more accustomed to the new baby.

OOPS! Sometimes you need to wait even longer–like three months. Again, totally normal and ok! And babies are still adorable at three months! Sometimes life throws you a curve ball and it takes that long until you can see your way through the piles of laundry to find the phone to make an appointment. Sometimes you or your baby might have had some health issues that take priority over everything else. Or perhaps like some of my clients, you live out of town and this is the first time you get back. Again, nothing to stress about. It is perfectly fine to do a newborn photography session at three months.

Do Your Newborn Photography Session When It Is Convenient For You!
I guess my point here is that while pictures of your kids are important, you really need to do what is right and works for you. The Parenting Police are not going to come find you if you do not do newborn photos within the first ten days. One thing I do know about babies–when the parents are stressed, the babies pick up on it immediately. Relax, enjoy your family and schedule your newborn photography session when you have time and are not stressed.
Be sure to check out our Newborn Photography Portfolio if you love pictures of cute babies.
Are you ready to schedule a Newborn Photography Session? Call (518) 584-4237 or use our Contact Form today!
Photographer Susan Blackburn of Susan Blackburn Photography specializes in photographing Seniors, Family, Weddings, Glamour, Boudoir & Commercial Photography sessions. With a photography studio location in Saratoga Springs, NY, Susan serves the Saratoga Springs, Lake George and the Adirondack Regions. She is also available for travel assignments. Susan has been a professional photographer for 20 years. Her goal has always been simple—take pictures that her clients love.