Ways to Use Your Personal Branding Photos
There is lots and lots of buzz out there about Personal Branding Photos. They are more than just a Headshot. They can encompass many aspects of your business and personality. Personal Branding Photos are a great way to create loads of visual content for your business–but how exactly are you going to use them? Here are a few of our suggestions on Ways to Use Your Personal Branding Photos:
Get Social With Your Personal Branding Images:
Now would be an awesome time to refresh your Social Media Profiles! In fact, this is often the first place people post their new Personal Branding Images.

Your Website Home Page and About Page:
It is great when you can show potential clients the person behind the brand. That makes your Personal Branding Images perfect for your website, especially the About Section or the Home Page.

Ways to Use Your Personal Branding Images On Marketing Pieces:
Marketing Collateral is one of the great ways to use your Personal Branding Photos. Whether it is a for a trade show brochure, a direct mail piece or an email campaign, you can get a lot of mileage from your images by including a few on Marketing Collateral. You can use some images of flat lays or behind the scenes in addition to photos of you.

Business Cards:
Personalize your business cards with your images. It is great when potential clients have a face to associate with a name and contact information. Bonus–Did you know you can also include your Headshot in your email signature?

Print Publications:
A newspaper or magazine might like to interview you or do a story on your business. What a great way to have control over what images they use!
Now that you know some of the many ways to use your awesome photos–let’s set up a time to photograph you! Simply call us at (518) 584-4237 or use our Contact Form today.
Be sure to check out our Commercial Photography Gallery to view more of our business work.
Susan Blackburn is a Personal Branding Photographer helping businesses in the Saratoga NY area enhance their businesses through photography.
It’s helpful to hear about more strategies for using branding photos as a marketing tool. Business owners with beautiful photos have more options to put themselves out there and represent who they are and what they do on social media.
I could not agree more–with more and more businesses relying on their online presence to do the heavy lifting, headshot and personal branding have become even more important!
Great ways to use your personal branding photos for small business owners. Up to date images are so important for social media and more!
With social media it is so important to not only have beautiful headshots, but also branding images! Gone are the days of having just a single headshot. Professionals and business owners now need a selection of great images on a regular basis, so having a branding session will make sure they have plenty of options!
It is so important to have professional headshots and branding images these days! So many ways to use them!