Dan and Yulia’s Adirondack Engagement Session | Lake George Wedding Photographer
Lake George is an absolutely stunning location for an Engagement Session.

This past month, I got to photograph an Engagement Session for my Wedding Photography Clients Yulia and Dan. We did the session up at Dan’s Family’s property on Lake George. We chose to do the photos outdoors because both Dan and Yulia love Lake George, as well as hiking and spending time on the water. Their dog, Loki, a Siberian Husky, joined us as well. One of the reasons I love to photograph my clients before the wedding is that it gives us a little bit of quiet time without the chaos of the wedding to get to know one another.

I asked Dan to give me the scoop on how he proposed. I like the story because he put a lot of thought into the proposal.

“I chose Mount Noonmark this as it was one of our first hikes when we started dating . The trail head to Mount Noonmark is right outside of Keene, NY. The mountain is centrally located smack dab in between the Great Range, the Dix Range, and Giant Mountain and a few scattered high peaks as well. It is an absolutely breathtaking view. So I thought it would be a beautiful place to propose.
“As we started up, I think the fog was so thick it was actually condensing in my nose and mouth as we climbed up. and the higher we got the less and less we saw. However, once in awhile as we were walking through this colorless cloud, it would break for a few moments and we would be immersed with colors of the super green moss, brown bark and endless exposed granitic gneiss.

“Backtracking a bit, earlier in the summer we had climbed Wright Peak and Algonquin Mountain with my sister, Laura. At the trail head there were mounds of rocks to bring up the the top to create cairns (smaller mounds of rocks to distinguish the trail). Well, unbeknownst to me, Yulia had put four of these rocks in my pack, which I proceeded to bring up to the summits…and back down. They currently are used as book ends.
“So at the top of Noonmark, the time came and I said “Hey, check out this rock I found.” With Yulia rolling her
eyes thinking I was busting on her for making me carry 35 lbs of rocks again, she looked down and saw another kind of rock. Smiles and tears and laughs followed, as well as a nice Pad Thai lunch with tea and coffee on the camp stove, and we hiked out of the clouds together.”
I love the part about hiking out of the clouds together–sounds like a movie. Can’t wait to photograph their wedding later on this summer!
Interested in becoming a client? Please use our Contact Form or call (518)584-4237 to schedule a consultation. You might also like this post on Engagement Session Planning.