But How Do I Look? The Importance of Everyone Looking Great in Photos.

Truth Bomb–Have you ever noticed that if you do not like the way you personally look in a group photo, then you judge it to be a “bad” photo? I myself am guilty of this. One of the things I learned pretty early on in my career is that if someone hates the way they look in a group photo, they generally never get past that initial impression. They just hate the photo. It does not matter if the lighting, composition, etc. is great. It does not matter if everyone else looks good. If they do not look good, they think it is horrible.

I have learned to take lots of photos of the large groups especially. Because the larger the group, the bigger the chance that someone will have their eyes closed or will be looking weird. Taking lots of exposures then affords me the opportunity to work my Photoshop magic with head swaps, opening eyes, etc. Sometimes it is a simple matter like a not pleasant expression. Sometimes one person in the group has their eyes closed. The beauty of Photoshop and having multiple images is the ability to “fix” that one troublesome aspect. For me, it is actually pretty fun. Don’t tell anyone, but before I flatten the layers, I like to toggle back and forth between the original and the “fix.” It is like a magic trick.

All of this being said, when you are comparing Wedding Photographers or Family Photographers, one question you might want to ask is “What happens if people have their eyes closed in the group photos?” A good professional Photographer should be able to put your mind at ease immediately in this regard. With over 20 years experience, I personally have made it a point to take lots of classes in retouching in Photoshop. My goal is making you look great in photos.
Did you enjoy this article on Retouching? You might also enjoy this post on Retouching Photos.
Be sure to visit our Saratoga Wedding Portfolio to see more work.
Would you like to chat about your Wedding or a Portrait Session and looking great in your photos? Please call (518) 584-4237 or use our Contact Form.