What is Boudoir Photography?
It should be an easy question to answer–but it sometimes is not. Let’s start by defining the word “Boudoir.”
According to Wikipedia–“A boudoir (/ˈbuːdwɑːr/; French: [bu. dwaʁ]) is a woman’s private sitting room or salon in a furnished accommodation, usually between the dining room and the bedroom, but can also refer to a woman’s private bedroom.”

I don’t know about you, but for me it conjures up a period at the turn of the last century when women took their time at their toilette. It also makes me think of a sexy kind of elegance that can be somewhat lost in today’s fast paced and crazy world. So for me personally when I am photographing a Boudoir Session, I want to bring a sense of elegance and beauty to it.

So What Is Boudoir Photography Exactly?
Boudoir Photography should make you feel like a Goddess.
My goal when I photograph any woman in any situation is to make her look and feel like the goddess that she is. That is my personal choice.

I also feel there can be a very fine line between sexy and trashy–and I don’t ever want that trashy look in my photos of women. There are plenty of other photographers out there that cater to a trashier sort of boudoir photography. I think it is a little harder to keep it sexy but classy.

Enhance Your Boudoir Photography Session With Professional Stylists:
While I feel that any portrait photography session is enhanced when professional hair and makeup artists are hired, I especially feel this is important for Boudoir Photography. There is something special about a woman being pampered before a photo session that makes her absolutely glow.

I also feel along with a Stylist, the right wardrobe for Boudoir Photography is essential. What you wear always has an impact on how you feel and how you carry yourself–more so in an intimate setting like Boudoir. The items do not have to be extremely elaborate or expensive. However, they must fit properly and enhance your body shape. Again, sexy without being trashy has always been my goal here.
Finally, what is the goal of a Boudoir Session?
Besides having a fun experience, what do you do with the images? What would you like to physically come away from the experience with? My clients typically do either a book or image box with their favorites from the session. Wall portraits for their bedrooms are another popular option. Generally my clients tell me they are creating these images for a spouse or significant other–but also for themselves. Many of them have told me it was like a journey to rediscovering their own beauty. I like that a lot.
So are you ready to take that journey with a Boudoir Photography Session? I would love to photograph you. Check out our post on Preparing for Your Boudoir Session. You can use our Contact Form or call me at (518) 584-4237 to get in touch.