Before you know it, Senior Portrait Season will be here–Yay!
With that in mind here are a few of our favorite Tips for an Awesome Senior Portrait Session.
Arrive on Time: There is nothing more stressful than arriving to any appointment late. And if you are late and stressed, it will show in your photos. Also, if you arrive late to your Senior Portrait Session, we may not have enough time to do all the images you would like.

Plan Your Wardrobe Choices in Advance: One of the things we do to help you prepare is to discuss some general guidelines about clothing choices ahead of the session. We believe that putting careful thought and consisderation into your choices really elevates your Senior Session from ordinary to extraordinary! We always advise our clients to err on the side of bringing more choices instead of less. If you have a trusted friend, you can have them critique your choices a day or two prior. We have even done Zoom calls to see what people are thinking of bringing and answer any questions! And please do make sure your clothes are clean and pressed!

Clean and Neat Nails: We sometimes show hands (and even feet) in portraits. Make sure your nails are clean and neat. Ladies, even if you don’t want a full on manicure, some clear polish can be a nice touch.
Don’t Overdo the Sun or Spray Tan: It is next to impossible to retouch a bad sunburn, and tan lines incur an extra charge at the Lab to remove. Also, depending on where you spray tan, you don’t want to look orange in your Senior Portraits.
Stay Hydrated: Skin looks best when we are well hydrated. So at least a few days before your appointment, make sure you are drinking enough water.

Finally: It is ok to feel a little bit nervous! If you have carefully prepared, all you need to do is show up. I will be directing you as far as posing and making sure you look good. So relax and smile! I am excited to be working with you!

Did you enjoy these Tips for an Awesome Senior Portrait Session? You might like to read about what the expect at one of our Senior Sessions.
Our FAQs for Senior Portrait Photography are a great resource to find out what to expect. Be sure to visit our Senior Portfolio to check our some of our awesome clients! You might recognize some of your friends!